
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Kopi Favorit Ternyata Bisa Menunjukkan Kepribadianmu, Lho!


Kebiasaan Ini Biasanya Dimiliki Orang yang Gak Bisa Dipercaya, Hati-hati ya...


Pejuang Diet Harus Tahu, Ini Tanda-tanda Tubuhmu Kekurangan Kalori


Asam Lemak Omega, Katanya Bisa Bikin Kulit Jadi Sehat dan Cantik!


Dilakukan Tanpa Sadar, Inilah Kesalahan Saat Mendekorasi Rumah


8 Makanan Ini Bisa Meningkatkan Fokus dan Memori Kamu lho!


Dianggap Sama, Ini 4 Perbedaan Introvert dan Pemalu


8 Mitos Tentang Kebiasaan ini Bikin Kamu Malas Diet


Tak Hanya Gemuk, Ini Sederet Bahaya Terlalu Sering Makan Gorengan


5 Resep dan Bumbu Jagung Bakar Enak untuk Malam Tahun Baru


Resep Saus Barbeque Home Made untuk Bakar-bakar Malam Tahun Baru


5 Cara Sehat Atasi Berat Badan yang Terus Menurun


5 Pertolongan Pertama Saat Nyeri Haid yang Bisa Kamu Lakukan Segera


Serba BTS! Imnida Cafe, Cocok Buat Para Army Nongkrong


Sudah Berusia 30 Tahun? Koneksi Karir Ini Perlu Kamu Miliki Untuk Hidup Sukses


Anti Boring! Lakukan Kegiatan Seru Ini Saat Staycation Bareng Keluarga


Anti Boring! LakukanKegiatan Seru Ini Saat Staycation Bareng Keluarga


Gak Bisa Me Time Karena Masih Hidup Bareng Keluarga, Gimana Solusinya?


Tetap Ada Aturannya Lho, Main Medsos Juga Harus Bijak ya!


Berminat Jadi Makeup Artist? Manfaatin Teknologi Buat Bisnis Kamu yuk!


7 Alasan Mengapa Jalan Kaki Berpengaruh Baik ke Kesehatan Mentalmu


Resep Cilok Oatmeal, Jajanan Sehat untuk Kamu yang Lagi Diet


Resep Banana Oat Pancake, Menu Sarapan Sehat yang Bisa Bikin Nagih


Daftar Negara Paling Bahagia di Dunia untuk Referensi Liburan


Minggu Terakhir 2020 Akan Menjadi Minggu Terburuk Bagi...


5 Wanita Terkaya di Dunia Tahun 2020, Ada Pemilik LOreal!


Rugi Rasanya Kalau 5 Hal Berikut Belum Kamu Lakukan di Usia 25 Tahun


Berzodiak Sagitarius, Ini Kepribadian Amanda Manopo yang Pemberani dan Pemimpi Besar!


Kegiatan Seru untuk Malam Tahun Baruan #diRumahAja


Sumpek Kerjain Tugas? Istirahatlah Sejenak dan Lakukan 3 Kegiatan Ini


Ingin Selalu Sehat? Ini Kebiasaan yang Bisa Kamu Contek Saat Tidak Termotivasi


Nyeri Hebat Saat Haid? Bisa Jadi Kamu Idap 4 Penyakit Ini!


Resep Diet: Bakwan Sayur Oatmeal Tanpa Digoreng


Dijamin Sejahtera! Lakukan Hal Ini Untuk Atur Uang Sebelum Berusia 30 Tahun


Tea Lover, Kenali Manfaat Berbagai Jenis Teh Untuk Tubuhmu!


Out of The Box, Ini Rekomendasi Hal Seru yang Bisa Kamu Lakukan Untuk Merayakan Pergantian Tahun


Stop! 5 Kesalahan ini Bikin Usaha Pencegahan Covid-19 Jadi Sia-sia


Tips Merawat Sepatu Warna Putih Agar Tetap Bersih dari Noda


5 Tempat Wisata Terbaru di Bogor yang Instagramable


Self-Acceptance: Proses Menerima Diri Sendiri dan Caranya


3 Influencer Fashion Plus Size Berbicara Tentang Body Positivity


Lebih Bijak yuk, Begini 6 Tips Aman ke Dokter Gigi di Masa Pandemi


Hati-Hati, Kebiasaan Sepele Ini Malah Bikin Diri Sendiri Terlihat Tidak Profesional


Yuk Dicoba, Aktivitas Sederhana ini Bisa Membangkitkan Mood Lho!


Jaga Kualitas Tidurmu untuk Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup dengan Cara Berikut Ini!


Apa Kamu Masih Ingat? Nasihat Ibu yang Dulu Terdengar Salah, Tapi Sekarang Justru Kamu Amini


Jangan Main-Main, 5 Zodiak Ini Hatinya Sulit Ditaklukkan!


Liburan Asyik dengan Piknik Sederhana di Rumah Aja, Yuk!


5 Kegiatan Seru di Rumah, yang Bisa Dilakukan Saat Tahun Baru


Perlu Dihindari, 4 Kebiasaan Ini Bisa Membuatmu Terkesan Jutek Lho!


3 Channel Mukbang Paling Seru dan Bikin Ngiler, Auto Laper Deh!


5 Tempat Ngopi di Tebet yang Cozy dan Instagramable!


Biar Fisik dan Mental Sehat, yuk Latih Otakmu Berpikir Positif dengan 5 Tips Ini!


Ramai Tips Kecantikan di Tiktok, Pakar Kesehatan Sebut Berbahaya?


Bisa Produktif Sambil Nyantai, Ini Potret 4 Cafe Instagramable di Surabaya


Bangun Tidur Kok Langsung Bad Mood? Mending Cegah dengan Cara Ini


Di Singapura, Bantal Bekas Influencer Cantik Dijual Hingga Jutaan Rupiah


Biar Payudara Tetap Kencang dan Tak Kendur, Lakukan Hal Sederhana Ini di Rumah


Bukan Kucing Oren, Ini Dia "Tuxedo Cat", Kucing Paling Jenius di Dunia


Bingung Cara Menghilangkan Bau Amis Pada Ikan? Ini Solusinya!


5 Tempat Wisata Surabaya untuk Habiskan Malam Minggu yang Romantis


Sering Bentol-Bentol Saat Musim Hujan? Mungkin Kamu Alami Alergi Dingin


Selain Peralatan Hiking, 4 Hal Ini Perlu Disiapkan Sebelum Naik Gunung


Ingin Rumah Kamu Terlihat Lebih Cerah? Ikuti Cara Ini!


Resep Korean Milk Cream Dougnut yang Lagi Viral Tanpa Ulen


5 Olahraga yang Aman Saat Pandemi dan Efektif Turunkan Berat Badan


Cozy Abis! Dekorasi Kamar Tidur Minimalis, Tak Melulu Warna Putih


Anti Boros, Terapkan Strategi Keuangan Ini Agar Cepat Kaya di Usia Muda


Ketahui Alasan Kenapa Biji Pala Baik untuk Kesehatan


Habiskan Malam Tahun Baru di Rumah? Yuk Cobain 5 Games Ini Bersama Keluarga!


Kembung Saat Menstruasi Memang Normal, Tapi Begini Cara Mengatasinya


3 Resep Seblak Paling Sederhana yang Bisa Kamu Buat di Rumah


Perbedaan Gen Z dan Millennial Saat Masuk Dunia Kerja


Berat Badan Turun Secara Drastis? Ini 7 Penyebab yang Patut Diwaspadai!


Sisi Gelap Idol Jepang: Jadi Fantasi Seksual Hingga Dapat Kiriman Benda Aneh


Tahun Baru Sendirian Gakpapa, Kamu Masih Bisa Lakuin Ini Kok!


4 Tips Ini Bisa Atasi Nervous dan Takut Saat Public Speaking


Brightspot Market Hadir Kembali dengan Konsep Virtual City, Ayo Daftarkan Diri Kamu!


Tinggal di Jepang, Ini Potret Terbaru Beauty Vlogger Irna Dewi yang Makin Cantik


Pembawa Keberuntungan, 10 Makanan Tradisi Tahun Baru Untuk Sambut 2021


Sedih Tanpa Alasan Saat Liburan? Begini Cara Mengatasinya


Sabar-Sabarin Aja, 4 Zodiak Ini Dikenal Paling Jauh Secara Emosional


Hal yang Perlu Kamu Tahu Tentang Menstruasi


Korean Food ala Drama Korea yang Populer Banget di Indonesia


Belum Menikah di Usia 25 Tahun Itu Gak Masalah, Ini Kelebihan yang Bisa Kamu Rasakan


Tingkatkan Peluang Hamil, Begini Tanda Wanita Sedang Berada di Masa Subur


Mengaku Sebagai Orang yang Introvert? Pasti Kamu Paham Sama Hal Ini


Tips Workout Praktis di Rumah Bagi Pemula!


Dokter Indonesia Dukung Resep Obat Modern Asli Indonesia


Dekorasi Natal Rumah Minimalis ala Maria dan Elizabeth Rahajeng, Aesthetic Abis!


Perhatikan yuk, Jangan Lakukan 6 Hal Ini Selama Menstruasi


7 Bahan Alami untuk Mengatasi Indra Penciuman dan Perasa yang Tiba-tiba Hilang


5 Tips Menjaga Imunitas di Musim Pancaroba


Manfaat yang Bisa Kamu Dapat Setelah Konsumsi Peppermint Tea


Kenali Diet Defisit Kalori Lengkap dengan Panduan Pola Makan


Selain Insomnia, Yuk Kenali 5 Jenis Gangguan Tidur Lainnya!


3 Tips Agar Tetap Produktif Meskipun Miliki Jiwa Mager Parah


Berzodiak Aquarius, Ini Kepribadian Michelle Ziudith yang Cocok Jadi Pendamping Terbaik


Sering Galau karena Merasa Gelisah Tanpa Sebab, Solusinya Ternyata Ini


Punya Hobi Melukis? Ini 7 Manfaat yang Bisa Kamu Rasakan


Jade Plants, Tanaman Keberuntungan Seo Dal-mi dan Nam Do-san


Sukses Turunkan Berat Badan 6-7 kg, Begini Tips Diet Sehat ala Sunny Dahye


Efektif Turunkan Nafsu Makan, Pilih Makanan ini Jadi Menu Diet Harianmu!


5 Ide Hadiah Natal Ramah Lingkungan untuk yang Terkasih


Jangan Keterlaluan, 4 Zodiak Ini Paling Mudah Tertipu


Lagi Diet? Olahraga Ini Cocok untuk Kamu Lho!


New Normal, Ini Barang yang Wajib Dibawa Saat Jalan-jalan


Cek Ladies, Aturan Penting Memakai dan Melepas Masker dengan Benar


Mau Belajar Investasi dengan Cara Asyik? Follow 4 Akun Instagram Ini!


Manfaat Vitamin D untuk Kulit yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui


4 Makanan yang Bikin Kulit Putih dari dalam ala Dokter Richard


Kamu Merasa Stres di Tempat Kerja? Ikuti Cara Ini untuk Menanganinya!


Jangan Jadi Beban! Ini Segudang Manfaat Psikologis Merapikan Rumah ala Marie Kondo


Ramalan Zodiak Hari Ini: Taurus Dia Suka Kelembutan, Virgo Jangan Terlalu Sibuk


Penting! Ini Bahaya Duduk Terlalu Lama Selama WFH bagi Kesehatan


Hati-Hati, 3 Zodiak Ini Paling Berpotensi Menyakiti Hati Capricorn


Bernuansa Bali, Intip Dekorasi Rumah Tantri Namirah yang Asri dan Instagramable


Pria Bertemu Wanita Pertama Kali, Bagian Tubuh Mana yang Diperhatiin ya?


Proses Glow Up Jharna Bhagwani Menggunakan Kawat Gigi


Besarkan Peluangmu, Begini Tips Menaklukkan Tes CPNS Sampai Lolos!


Jangan jadi Kebiasaan! Ini 5 Bahaya Mandi Malam untuk Tubuh Kamu


Dianjurkan Nabi, Ternyata Ini 5 Manfaat Tidur Menghadap ke Kanan


Bikin Kucing Makin Gembul, Coba Rekomendasi Wet Food Berikut Ini


Ternyata Begini Loh Karakter Zodiak Cancer Menurut Orang Lain


Tips Mengatasi Flu yang Menyerang Saat Malam Hari


Tarik Nafas, Huufff.. Begini 5 Tips Menjadi Orang Sabar!


Sederet Khasiat Kunyit yang Jarang Diketahui, Cobain Sekarang!


Inilah Buku - Buku Terbaik Tahun 2020 Versi Goodreads


Tips Mencuci Masker yang Tepat Agar Tidak Jerawatan, Apa Saja?


Bukan Untung-untungan, Ini Tips Investasi Cuan ala Han Ji Pyeong


Selain Hidup Sehat, Ini Alasan Lain Kamu Harus Jadi Seorang Vegan


Mens Tidak Teratur? Mungkin Ini Penyebabnya!


7 Buah Terbaik untuk Kulit yang Harus Kamu Konsumsi


Berat Badan Turun Drastis? Ini Tanda Kamu Harus Mewaspadainya


Nikmati Kehidupan Baru di Bali, Ini 10 Potret Keseruan Influencer Melody Amadea


Berdamai dengan Diri Sendiri? Siapa Takut!


Semua Orang Wajib Tahu! Ini Travel Hack yang Gak Bikin Repot


Sering Diolah Jadi Jus, Ini Sederet Manfaat Terong Belanda untuk Kesehatan


Rekomendasi Hadiah Tahun Baru yang Kekinian untuk Sahabat


Rayakan Hari Natal dengan Nyaman Meski Jauh dari Keluarga


Sebelum Terjadi, Cegah Kanker Payudara dengan 8 Cara Ini!


Bukan Cuma Jas Hujan, Ini List Barang yang Harus Dibawa Saat Musim Hujan


Mengenal Roti Sourdough yang Bercitarasa Unik, Bedanya Apa Sih dengan Roti Konvensional?


Mau Dapat Uang Tambahan? Ini 5 Ide Bisnis Mahasiswa dan Ibu Rumah Tangga


ToxicTrait Berdasarkan 12 Zodiak


Berminat Jadi Vegetarian? Ketahui Dulu 5 Jenisnya Ini


Belanja Skincare dan Makeup di Watsons, Diskon Hingga 70%!


3 Zodiak Ini Butuh Kepastian Ekstra Dalam Hubungannya


Liburan Lebih Menyenangkan dengan Hack Kesehatan Ini


Buat Bumil, Ini Tips Panduan Memilih Bra yang Tepat Saat Hamil


12 Mimpi yang Paling Umum dan Arti Mimpi Menurut Ahli


Jangan Ragu! Inilah Alasan Solo Traveling Lebih Baik Dibandingkan dengan Banyak Orang


Ampuh Banget, Bersihkan Darah Haid di Kain dengan 4 Teknik Berikut Ini!


Jangan Asal, Ini Cara Pilih Self-Care Routine yang Cocok dan Menyenangkan


Kamu yang Merasa Iri dengan Pencapaian Orang Lain, Yuk Atasi Pakai Cara Ini!


Gak Harus ke Gym! Aplikasi Workout Ini Bantu Kamu Tetap Fit Saat Olahraga di Rumah


10 Fakta Dewi Kauw, Founder Skin Dewi yang Cantik dan Inspiratif


Be Creative! Dari Pasmina Sampai Gelas Minum Bisa Kamu Jadikan Properti Home Photoshoot ala Influencer


Punya Rasa Enak, Intip Pilihan Makanan Rebusan untuk Pejuang Diet


7 Tips Bisnis yang Bisa Kamu Ambil Setelah Nonton Drama Korea Start Up


Kucing Kamu Suka Makan Rumput? Ini Alasannya


Sering Cukur Bulu Ketiak? Tunda Dulu dan Dapatkan Manfaat Kesehatan yang Mengejutkan Ini


Risih dan Jijik dengan Cicak? Berikut Ini 6 Cara Mengusirnya dengan Cepat dan Ampuh


3 Zodiak Ini Butuh Kepastian dalam Hubungannya, Jangan Suka Digantung Ya!


7 Tanda Kamu Harus Segera Menurunkan Berat Badan


Setia Kawan Banget! Zodiak Ini Selalu Mengutamakan Teman di Atas Segalanya


HUT Transmedia: Kumpulkan Koinnya dan Dapatkan Uang Tunai Hingga Rp19 Juta!


Ingin Road Trip Tapi Anggaran Terbatas? Realisasikan dengan Tips Menghemat Uang Ini


Backhanded Compliment? Hinaan Tersirat Dibalik Pujian


Ritual Wajib Agar Kamu Tetap Sehat Selama Liburan!


Berzodiak Libra, Kenali Kepribadian Bae Suzy yang Memesona dengan Karier Gemilang


Terapkan Workout Plyometrus Sculpting Untuk Bantu Pembentukan Otot


Quarter Life Crisis Saat Pandemi? Coba Baca Ini Dulu...


Nature Daily Aloe Hydramild Series, Solusi Merawat dan Melindungi Kulit dari Kuman


Selamat! Ini 5 Tanda Kamu Sudah Melakukan Pekerjaan dengan Baik


Perbedaan Karakter Alpha Woman, Beta Woman dan Omega Woman


Putus Cinta Bikin Insomnia, Lakukan Hal Ini Agar Kamu Tidur Lebih Nyenyak


Ingin Kasih Kado Natal Untuk Teman Dekat? Beri Makanan Ini Saja!


Hati-Hati! 5 Masalah Batin Ini Ternyata Bisa Picu Penyakit Fisik


Malam Ini! Saksikan Penampilan Super Junior dan Sederet Penyanyi di HUT Transmedia ke-19


How To Retire Before 40

Like many people I was tired of working at my job. Between the commute, the meetings, co-workers, and my boss I wanted to find a way to quit and live my life. The book "How To Retire Before 40" was just the thing I needed.

Don't Tell Nobody! A Forbidden Desire Not Forever Vulnerable, Written By Darryl Wayne

For a person such as me, the reading and reviewing of this book was extremely difficult. I respect those that are gays or lesbians to live that type of life but to write a respectable review I must change gears in my thinking and write through the eyes of them. The language is very explicit and is meant for adults only.

The Four Hour Workweek

Written by Timothy Ferriss, this New York Times Bestseller is sure to change the way you live and do business. Ferriss holds nothing back as he disproves everything we typically think about working and time management. A must read for any business individual.

Something to Cheer About While the Economy and Nearly Everything Else Tanks: A Superb New Book

A review of Dr. Steven Jonas' latest book, "101 Ideas and Insights for Triathletes and Duathletes" (Healthy Learning/ Coaches Choice, Monterrey, CA., 118 pages, $19.95). This is the much-anticipated sequel to the landmark work "Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals." The latter led thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of novice athletes into the sport of triathlon, rendering the experience both enjoyable as well as successful. In 101 Ideas, Dr. Jonas serves up comprehensive guidance with factual information and insights based on his extensive involvement with triathlon and its little sister sport, duathlon. (The latter, in case you didn't know, consists of a run, bike and run.) I don't care for the name so much. Since the swim is missing, I favor "dryathlon." However, nobody listens to me so duathlon it is.) The nine chapters address motivation, getting started, variety of race options, training, equipment, race day details and strategies, nutriti

Decoding the Tiger Mom

Amy Chua took the world by storm with her bestselling book entitled "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." But, it seemed that most people misunderstood where she was going with it. This article discusses the book that set the internet ablaze.

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce - Judith Wallerstein

The book represents the voices of these children. They have now grown up, and some have families of their own. They narrate their difficulties in dealing with the loneliness, anger, depression, drug abuse and even the violence in their own lives that followed the break-up of their families. They talk about the unpleasantness of hopping from one nest to another, often having little choice of how to spend their time, and feeling inferior to children from intact families. They are now forcing society to pay more attention at their interests.

New Book Encourages Readers to Live the Dream Life

In "Drink Fine Wine... Ride Fine Horses," Tammy Rimes shares how she and her husband created their dream life and how you can do the same. Making it clear that a dream life requires hard work, Rimes walks readers through how she did it and what it requires to make one's dreams come true. This book is both a business "how to" and a feel good exploration of how to create the life you dream about and find balance in the process.

Buy Cheap Books Today

Do you want to buy cheap books today? Having a hard time finding a cheap textbook? If that is the case, worry no more. You can be able to get the best textbook prices you can imagine. So wipe that worry in your face since you can be able to buy relatively inexpensive books for your need.

Financial Book Review: The Bank On Yourself Revolution by Pamela Yellen

A short review of the Bank On Yourself Revolution, Pamela Yellen's followup to her NY Times Bestseller, Bank On Yourself written by one of Austin's top financial advisors and financial radio hosts. The Bank On Yourself Revolution was published in February, 2014 by Benbella Books.

Discover How to Relieve Stress and Return to 'Normal'

A common thing among all people, 'normal' people and those we think of as of having 'problems', is our ability to deal with stress and the emotions that accompany it. I want you think of your stress and emotions as being in a glass.

Come to the Library? Tell Me Why

Nandita came regularly to our library.Such a delight to see someone come and hang out there. I saw her lost in a book many times. She came to the movies we screened and participated in the discussions. So one day I asked if she wanted to be a member at our library.She looked surprised and answered with a question...

A Book Review: Disconnected - Parenting Teens in a MySpace World by Chap Clark and Dee Clark

In this book, the Clarks address the issue of parenting teens in the 21st century. Like in Chap Clark's book, Hurt 2.0, they describe in depth the development and characteristics of early, mid and late adolescence. This book is written from a Christian perspective using Scripture freely and presenting solutions from a Biblical perspective. Our authors direct this book to Christian parents.

A Book Review: Get Outta My Face by Rick Horne

Horne uses many examples of interactions between adults and teens - some not so good examples and some better following his plan. Our author outlines and then suggests a plan of action for the parent or others working with the angry teen.

What Is the Green Foods Bible All About?

There are green drinks everywhere. We have heard since we were children how important it is to eat our greens.

Awaken the Giant Within

Awaken the giant within; I think this is an amazing book for restructuring your life. It is a book I first read 20 years ago, but taking it on holiday recently I found it had a much stronger impact this time. They say when the student is ready the tutor will be found! You are shown how by changing your values and beliefs you can change your thinking mode in an instant, and how to make these changes permanent. He also advocates small daily improvements to take your life from where it is today to where you would like to take it.

Getting More of What You Want - What Does Success Mean to You?

I have a very old little book with the above title, by JH Brennan its pages are yellowed with age and it is looking very sad, but the contents are as relevant as ever. I am pleased to say the book is still available in bookshops, so that you can take advantage of it's secrets too. I came across it the other day when I was doing some clearing out and re-read it, it is about changing you life by discovering what is important to you.

I Can Make You Smarter by Paul McKenna

Paul McKenna has written a series of books some of which I have read. He is a master of hypnosis and uses self hypnosis in the CD's accompanying the series of books. He also uses NLP and other exercises, the book is backed by scientific research into using your brain more effectively. This book aims to increase your various intelligences from verbal to spiritual. There are mind maps and summaries after each chapter for a quick recap and learning review.

Ask for the Moon and Get It

Tidying my bookcase recently I found an old book with loose pages that were turning brown. Obviously a book I had kept for years although I don't remember buying it. I decided if I had kept it that long I would re-read it, it had to be worth it!

God and Government: A Review of Rev. Barry Lynn's Career Protecting Church/State Separation

Introduction: Barry Lynn - Barry Lynn once confessed, though not, I suspect, with heavy heart, that "the Reverend Jerry Falwell does not like me." That was about as caustic and mean-spirited as Barry can manage but, oh my, how incisive, informative and entertaining he can be defending and advancing church/state separation. Make no mistake - this book is timely, for such a defensive is vital at this time in the nation's history.

Do It! - A Guide to Living Your Dreams

The other day I pulled the above book from my bookshelves in order to re-read it. I find whenever I re-read a book after a period of time, I discover something new within it's pages. A little gem of an idea I had messed before. I can never throw interesting books out I just buy more book shelves. Neither would I get the same enjoyment reading of a mechanical device, I like the feel of the pages.

Men Are From Mars

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus according to John Gray in his book of the same name. He uses this to illustrate the differences in behaviour of men and women. I have just reread the above book, it has a very appealing introduction to explain the differences in men and women.

Life & Love By Lisa Messenger - How It Changed My Way Of Thinking

I was hooked within lines of this book and I think you will be too. Split into categories such as Confidence, Creativity and Community makes it easy to choose what is relevant or to read from cover to cover.

Tara Stiles - Teaching Us About The Yoga Lifestyle

Tara Stiles is the founder of Strala Yoga, a Yoga Instructor, Author, Model and the face of Reebok. She has made her own style of yoga and is making all her own rules as the Rebel of Yoga. Her new book "Make Your Own Rules Diet" is like no other diet book I have ever read!

Crunch Time - Michelle Bridges

While Michelle Bridges does bring to mind yelling and screaming contestants, she has also helped a lot of people succeed. Have you ever been on the weight loss journey without support?

Pat Meseti - Millionaire Mindset

Pat Meseti is the author of Millionaire Mindset and is a great mindset coach. Pat can be seen at many speaking and coaching events throughout Australia.

Awaken The Giant Within - A Tony Robbins Review

I once remembered Tony Robbins as the creator of info-commercials. He is so much more than that now. He has changed millions of lives and you don't need to attend a seminar.

Follow Me - Francesca Moi Book Review

Francesca Moi is the Meet Up Queen. She can help you to build your ideal lifestyle. Just Follow Me!

Michelle Bridges - Total Body Transformation Journal

Michelle has worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years. She has trained thousands through her 12 Week Body Transformation programs, DVDs and TV series The Biggest Loser. Now she can help more with this amazing journal.

How Satisfied Are You With Your Current Life-Plan?

Psycho-Cybernetics is essentially about changing habits, you belief system and your habits of action, and therefore how you react to life-events. Psycho-cybernetics the brain-child of Maxwell Maltz, can help you change your outlook and how you view your capabilities, and therefore your life.

Do It - A Practical Guide to Living Your Dreams

My passion is "Mind Power" and understanding how the brain can assist us in living our dreams. We can do this by tapping into our own resources, in a way that enables this to happen much more easily. Practises like NLP, visualisation, affirmations repetition, and belief help us. We have to know the comfort zone can trick us with fear of the unknown.

Do You Believe in Mind Power?

A favourite book of mine "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr Joseph Murphy, explains clearly how we can access our mind-power to achieve our greatest dreams; cure bad habits, like alcoholism, smoking, overeating, etc. How to overcome fears and improve poor health. In fact he cures his own malignant growth using mind-power.

Stop Negativity - The 10 Day Challenge With Anthony Robbins

This challenge is taken from his book "Awaken the Giant Within" as it is such a tomb 539 pages I have selected parts to review. I, like millions of others an a great fan of Anthony Robbins. I will tell you about the challenge, but there are also many other benefits from reading the book; It is a work-book.

Book Reveals That Our Social Impact Personality Type Determines How We Do Good

In "Do Good, Feel Better," Laura McKnight reveals the different personality types of charitable minded people and how we can all find ways to help others in ways that are compatible with our preferences. She offers a quiz to help us determine our type, and plenty of inspiration for how we can all make this world a better place.

Corn, Cotton and Chocolate: How the Maya Changed the World

The Mayan civilization existed longer than any other culture on the face of our planet. Author and researcher James O'Kon put together this taut reference guide that is sure to open up many eyes to the breadth of contributions these people made on today's world.

New Book Teaches How to Attract Money Through Thought and Action

In "Vibrational Money Immersion," Ray Higdon teaches us how to change our mindset about money so we can attract it. The book is a blend of secrets learned from past authors like Napoleon Hill, along with Higdon's own personal stories and experiences about how he has attracted more money into his life.

Breaking Out Of Homeostasis - Overview

Breaking Out Of Homeostasis is a book written by Ludvig Sunstrom (Sweden) which apparently shows the reader how to "Achieve Mind-Body Mastery and Continue Evolving When Others Stagnate". With 50 5* reviews on Amazon, this article looks at what the book is about & how it is structured.

Half the Sky

Pencils of Promise and Half the Sky are two books that I would highly recommend reading. They speak of the world and a life we don't know. They put emphasis on people who have been through horrible situations and have made the best of what they have.

New Book Explores Disney's Magic Role in Our Lives

In "What the Magic Means," Terry Wheeland Jr. analyzes what it means to be a Disney fan or fanatic. He interviews several people who have worked for Disney or just love Disney and explores how it has changed their lives. Disney fans will love these stories and be inspired to create more magic in their own lives.

Clothing for Liberation

This book is an attempt to analyze the life and work of Gandhi with the help of some popular communication theories. The aim is to identify and highlight the communication strategies used by Mahatma Gandhi in order to achieve his goal - The Independence of India.